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  2. Reporting & Dashboards

What Is the All Registrations Dashboard?

In addition to the All Registrations Dashboard gives specific information on each Registration made in your system. It is another key tool to manage your Programs.

  1. To access your dashboard, you will need to log in to the Playbook Back End of your website. (mywebsite.playbookapi.com/control_panel).
  2. From the top navigation bar select Reporting, then Financial, then Registrations

The All Program Registrations Dashboard displays all information regarding your program signups. Along with some payment content, this dashboard displays guardian contact info, waiver requirements and upcoming sessions. This page has filters such as date range for Programs, which can be useful for only seeing certain types of Programs.

You’ll be able to switch between the General and Payments tabs to view different columns.

  1. The filters on the left will allow you to filter by various criteria such as specific programs, credit card on file, invoice paid status etc
  2. The filters above the report tabs will allow you to narrow down your report by searching for a specific user name/email and adjusting the date range
  3. The Modify Columns button will give you control over what columns are displayed on the General and Payments tabs. Below you can see the various columns you can choose to display