You can create membership subscriptions that offer special perks to users that sign up
To create a new Membership, you will need to log in to the Playbook Back End of your website. (
From the top navigation bar select Programs then Memberships. Here you can see a list of your current memberships
Click on the orange Create Memberships button located above the columns
You will have the option to clone or Start From Scratch. Select 'Start From Scratch' for now
A pop-up window will appear allowing you to enter some basic details about your new membership
You can give a Title/name to the membership
You can also link the membership to a specific category
The Membership Interval is how often users will be charged when in this memberships. You can also change the units between days/weeks/months/years
Membership Length is the total length the membership will last for, or can be considered how many intervals the membership is valid for
You can toggle Auto Renew as well as choose a membership plan to renew into
The Installment Amount is how much will be charged at each interval
You can also choose to have a one-time Sign Up Fee that will apply to all initial purchases of the membership
There are also different types of membership benefits you can choose to apply
With Passes, you have the option of giving members access to a number of specific programs per interval. Simply select the pass type from the drop down, and input the number of passes you would like to give. (Check out the Passes article for more information) You can add multiple pass types by clicking + Add Pass Type Unlimited
You can quickly add a pass type by clicking, which will take you to a pop-up window that lets you name the pass, select the type of pass between session, duration and dollar values, choose the category and class package, as well as toggle the Make Passes Expire option
You can also toggle Is Unlimited if you wish to give members unlimited passes to a program (eg coach discount)
Credits are dollar amounts that can be used to register for any program in the system, and you can simply enter the number of credits you’d like to provide in dollars (eg a membership to a batting cage will give $300 in credits)
Once you are happy with the initial settings, go ahead and press SaveMembership. You should then be loaded back into the Memberships page and see your new membership in the list. Note that the membership will not be active yet, so go ahead and click on the orange pencil icon next to the membership to open the Edit Window
Here you will be able to toggle Is Active on to make the membership available for purchase
You can also choose to put a Capacity Constraint on your membership by toggling it on
You’ll also be able to toggle Show Available Spots as well as Offer Waitlist
If you go to the Optional Info page, you’ll be able to see some more options
You can choose to toggle Wishlist Available on or off
You can also set the registration open and close dates. It is important to note that the registration close date will automatically be set to the end of the first interval
The Registration Flow Instructions tab can be used to note anything you would like the registrants to also be able to see.
1 will show on the 1st registration page, 2 will show up on the payment page and 3 will show up on the final thank you page
Advanced Registration Options are where you can set a few more restrictions
Age Restriction using ages or birthday
Add a featured image to the membership that is separate from the main website image
The Customize Forms tab is where you can add any custom questions
Waivers is where you will be able to add any waivers. Note that any Universal Waivers will already exist on the page