How Do I Automate League Schedules?

You can easily create games for your season using our automated scheduler

  1. To get started creating a schedule, head over to the specific season card you would like to create the schedule for
  2. Pick All Teams or a division you would like to create a schedule for from the dropdown. You have the option of selecting specific teams as well.
  3. Select Round Robin Basic from the Schedule Model dropdown menu
  4. You can then input the total number of games each team will play throughout the season, how many games each team will play per week, and the standard game length (in minutes)
  5. You can also choose to toggle All back to back double headers and Add weeks at end of schedule to handle extra games
  6. If some teams have a preference for days of the week to play their matches, you can mark these under Scheduling Preferences. Once you are happy with everything click Next
  7. You will first have to select the location these select games will be played at. You can also pick the sub-location as well
  8. You will now input the start and end dates of the season, and then click Add Interval just below
    1. The intervals will determine the game times, simply input the Start Time and End Time
    2. If you would like to add another timeslot for games, press Add Interval again and enter the other times
  9. You can also choose specific days of the week for the scheduler to create games, or simply toggle All Days on
    1. Once you are satisfied with the parameters, click Add Tentative Time Slots
  10. You will be able to see a preview of the created schedules on the right hand side under Select Time Slots For Scheduler
    1. Here you will have the option to remove any of the fixtures, simply click the trash can button on the left
    2. You also have the option to Remove Overlapping Timeslots in the case there are not enough timeslots to accommodate the total number of games required
    3. Ensure that the Total number of timeslots recommended: matches the number of timeslots you have listed
  11. Once you are satisfied with the timeslots, you can click Add to Selected Timeslots and then All Divisions
    1. This will create another final preview of the list of timeslots to be added, you can again delete any fixtures here
  12. Next, click Create Schedule, and then on the next page make sure to click Publish Schedule for the fixtures to be set and appear on the calendar