How To Give a Staff Member Access To Playbook?

This article will show you how to add a staff member to Playbook

  1. Log in to the Playbook Back End of your website. ( 
  2. From the top navigation bar select Staff then Staff Members
  3. Here, you can see the current list of staff members. You can click the Add New Staff Member button on the top right to get started with your new location
  4. A pop-up window will open where you can start to set up all relevant information, you will be able to choose between creating a new staff member from scratch, or making an existing user in the system into a staff member
    1. If you choose to Create New Staff Member User, you will simply have to enter an email, first & last name, and assign a staff role
      1. You can toggle Rentable on/off to allow users to reserve time with the staff member (e.g. private training sessions)
      2. Adding a phone number is optional
      3. Once you are happy with everything, click Create

    2. If you choose to Make an Existing User a Staff Member, you can start by clicking the orange Find button under the Select Existing User Profile
      1. You can search for the user in the search bar, and then click on their email to finalize your selection
      2. After selecting the user profile, make sure to select the Staff role and toggle Active on to ensure you can use/select this staff member throughout the system
      3. You can also toggle Rentable on if you would like to have this staff member available for lessons, personal training etc
      4. Once you are happy with everything, click Create