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  2. Getting Started with Playbook

How To Login To a User's Account as an Admin?

As an administrator, you have the capability to log in as users, allowing you to assist with their registrations and submit payments on their behalf

  1. Log onto the Playbook Back End of your website
  2. Search for the user you'd like to log in as. You can search by email, first/last name, or invoice number
  3. Once you click on the desired user, you will be brought to their User Card 
  4. On the top right, click on the person icon with the check mark next to it as shown in the red box above
  5. Clicking this icon will bring you to the login page on the front end
  6. Log in using your own (the administrator) user name and password.
  7. You will now be logged into the chosen user’s account, granting you full access to explore their dashboard and perform tasks such as making payments on their behalf

Pro Tip: To make the most of the "Login as User" feature, simply right-click the icon and choose "Open Link In Incognito Window." This will keep your personal account logged in to your admin account within the current tab, making it a breeze to smoothly handle your tasks.