How Do I Issue an Admin Discount

Admin Discounts can only be applied to a specific invoice.

  1. To apply an admin discount, you must first navigate to the invoice you want to apply the admin discount to. You can do this several ways, most commonly it will be through the customer card.  
  2. Once on the Control Panel, type the user's name or email address in the admin search bar to search for their Customer Card.
  3. Select the user you're searching for, which will take you to their Customer Card. Once there, select Registrations and Payments.
  4. Select the invoice you want to discount by clicking the Invoice ID number, which will take you to that Invoice Card.
  5. Once you are on the Invoice Card, click on the Apply Admin Discounts button
  6. You will see a pop-up window where you can enter the discount amount, as well as leave any notes for administrators on the back end (the user/registrant will not be able to see this note)
  7. Remember to click Apply when you are finished